Women of Colors empowers Saginaw teens through mentorship and STEM education

By Michigan Banner
2 Min Read
Saginaw native and actor Algee Smith visits a WOC STEM summer class on July 24, posing with First Ward kids and WOC youth mentors.

SAGINAW, MI – Women of Colors in Saginaw is empowering local youth by fostering leadership skills and promoting STEM education. This summer, the organization paired high school students with younger children from the First Ward Community Services for hands-on STEM activities at their new location on Davenport.

The summer program provided a unique opportunity for teens to develop leadership qualities by mentoring younger students. These young mentors played a pivotal role in igniting curiosity in STEM fields while also learning how to plan lessons, manage groups, and cultivate a passion for learning.

For the high school participants, the program served as a transformative experience in personal development and community service. By embracing leadership roles, they refined their communication and organizational abilities and became inspiring role models for the next generation.

Kelcei Schultz, a recent Carrollton High School graduate and aspiring mechanical engineer at Saginaw Valley State University, shared her thoughts on the experience: “Mentoring these kids was incredible. It wasn’t just about teaching them STEM; it was about seeing their confidence grow and knowing I had a part in that. I can’t wait to come back and help again.”

Women of Colors is actively seeking high school students passionate about making a difference as mentors. The organization provides a nurturing environment where teens can develop their skills while positively impacting their community. Those interested in becoming mentors or learning more about the program can visit womenofcolors.org.

As the summer session concludes, Women of Colors remains dedicated to its mission of empowering youth through mentorship and education, ensuring that both mentors and mentees have the resources they need to thrive.

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