‘Stop The Bleed’ aims to boost schools’ emergency response

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"Stop the Bleed" emergency supplies and kit

SAGINAW — Saginaw County Emergency Management is announcing a fundraising initiative to provide Stop the Bleed Kits to local schools. The initiative is an ongoing effort to train school staff and provide the equipment needed to respond to a life-threatening bleeding emergency.

Stop the Bleed is a national awareness campaign that encourages bystanders to become equipped and empowered to help in bleeding emergencies before professional medical help arrives. Stop the Bleed kits are not just essential; they are a game-changer in providing immediate care in the event of severe bleeding. They significantly increase the chances of survival in bleeding emergencies.

These kits, along with proper training, empower teachers, staff, and students to act swiftly and effectively in emergencies, making our schools safer for everyone.

“We believe that every school, regardless of location or size, should have the resources to handle emergencies,” said Lt. Mark Przybylski, the county’s emergency manager. “By providing Stop the Bleed kits and training, we are empowering teachers, staff, and students to save lives.”

The goal is to provide a Stop the Bleed kit at no cost for every school classroom in Saginaw County. This ensures every school in the community can respond to a bleeding emergency regardless of the cause or where in the school it may happen.

The Saginaw Intermediate School District helps to coordinate the county’s 12 local districts: BirchRun, Bridgeport-Spaulding, Carrollton, Chesaning, Frankenmuth, Freeland, Hemlock, Merrill, Saginaw City, Saginaw Township, St. Charles and Swan Valley.

Jeffrey Collier, ISD superintendent, said, “Ensuring the safety of our students and staff is our top priority, crucial for fostering environments where learning and performance thrive. Introducing Stop the Bleed kits into every classroom in Saginaw County is an invaluable opportunity to enhance safety and advance our emergency preparedness protocols. We are grateful for the collaborative leadership of the Saginaw County Emergency Management team and the support of our entire community in our commitment to creating safe educational spaces.”

Initial sponsors include the Marine Corps League – John C Rock Detachment 902, the 100 Club of Saginaw, the Tittabawassee Road Meijer, and County Commissioners Chairman Christopher Boyd. All proceeds will go directly toward purchasing Stop the Bleed kits. To learn more or to help equip schools with STB Kits, please visit www.saginawcounty.com/emhsd,  call (9890 790-5500, or email emgmgr@saginawcounty.com.

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