Push to boost Delta enrollment gets started

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Delta College is launching an initiative to recruit and retain more Latino students.

Outreach by Delta College to recruit and retain more Latino students soon will carry a formal title, but not until students from Spanish-speaking ancestors have a say-so.

Options for the name are:

  • “La Red” (The Network).
  • “Abrazos y Besos” (Hugs and Kisses).
  • “Relacion” (Connection, Relationship).
  •  “El Camino” (The Way).

The choices all focus on a common theme, which is that for Latinos, cultural and language challenges remain in attending college, especially when an enrollee is the first in family history to pursue higher education.

Students will have a chance for their say-so at the next meeting at 5 p.m. on Oct. 24, which is a Thursday, at Delta’s downtown center.

President Michael Gavin, in his third year at Delta, convened an Aug. 29 session with more than 30 people, including local Latino community leaders.

“There will be some bumps along the road,” Gavin told the group, “and we are going to learn from one another. I don’t want this to be just a one-year thing.”

Among Delta’s 7,600 pupils, both Latinos and Blacks each comprise a fraction less than 10 percent, with increases attained during recent years.

More progress is the aim of the outreach. Statewide free tuition for community colleges is beginning to take effect. Many Latino prospects still could benefit from help with other expenses, but the main need is cultural confidence to move ahead, participants said.

The task already is tough because nearly three quarters of Delta enrollees of all ethnic groups are part-time and live at home, instead of full-time and residing in dormitories.

For one example to support the project, current Latino pupils will serve as mentors to newcomers. Information is available from Delta’s Office of Multicultural Services, (989) 686-9117, diversity@delta.edu.

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